Thursday, September 11, 2008

Definitions - #301 – #32- A Line in the Sand

Everyone draws a “Line in the Sand”!

So we roughly have two types of people. Those that possess “A Line in the Sand” and those that pursue an endless chase for provable, repeatable conclusions, knowing full well that new knowledge may upset their present day “conclusions”.

Whether you answer a question with “My belief is”…. “I just think this is” …. “There is no explanation for that….” Whatever your vague expression is, it is your own, personal “Line in the Sand”. It is the way you answer the “infinite idea”. It can be religious or just plain defensive. The “infinite idea” of Death, the “Beginning”, the “Creation”, the “Start or End of something”, “the Way things are”, etc. It is an idea that’s not quite clear in your own mind but you want to express an answer!

This is the answer that is your “Line in the Sand”!

Science is the constant state of “searching”. There is no end. The answer is the present state of provable knowledge. There is no need for a “conclusion”. Science is too smart for that! It has seen too many changes as research continues. There is “NO Line in the Sand”!

How can you have a useful conversation if someone has drawn “A Line in the Sand” as an answer. It’s easy! Don’t try to prove anything. Merely accept the opinions you receive. You don’t have to agree or disagree. You may question for more information, but you never have to agree or disagree. You only have to recognize that you are conversing with someone who either doesn’t want to search for an answer or someone who is satisfied with his personal “Line in the Sand” as an answer.

It is the “agreeing/disagreeing” part that causes the problem!!!

(You can always agree/disagree “for the moment” providing you understand “this is just for the moment”!)

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