Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Definitions - #301-#30 -You know what you “want”, but do you know the “price” you’ll “have” to pay?

So you want a new house.
So you want a family.
So you want a different job.

Remember there’s a big difference between “wanting” and “wishing”. If you just wish for something, it doesn’t mean you take any “action” to get it, But if you “want” something , you’re going to take some action to get it.

You know what you “want”, but do you know the “price” you’ll have to pay?

Here’s the rub! No one bothers to think about the “price”!
What will you have to change? What will you have to sacrifice?

Perhaps you won’t have the same time to play or go to the gym....... or go on trips, for a while.
Perhaps you’ll have to worry more about payments or a job ........not so free and easy as before..
Perhaps you don’t know how to get ahead in your job; or if getting ahead is even possible.

There are many “prices” to pay. If all the “prices” are ok with you, there’s no problem! But you must think about the possibilities! Share your thoughts while there is still time ... before a commitment. Don’t be committed and then face the inevitable “price”!
The main thing is to “think first”. Then you can act with a reasonable degree of success.

This goes for “everything” in your life!

( No, it’s not 100%, but it’s better than nothing!)

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