Friday, September 19, 2008

Definition - #301 – #36 - Reason is NOT a greater value than “Experience”

By “experience”, I mean the actual living through the situation. What I DON”T mean is the intellectual activity of only reason and logic. Living through a situation is different. You can’t shut it off, you can’t rearrange it… live through it!.... all of it!
Reason and logic are intellectual pursuits. They are done in the mind. The mind can diminish or make larger, the mind can rearrange, the mind can shut it off for a while. The mind can be a great tool if used properly.

One without the other is only half at best.

To opine that unless you experience something you can’t understand it, is just as misinformed as saying “because you’ve lived through it, you necessarily understand it”. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Also, to say that you thoroughly understand something without actually living through it , is just as ill advised.
Neither one, without the other, is a full answer.

These words are being constantly thrown around. Opinions on each side vary. One thing is sure. You’re going to end up in an argument! ….. an unnecessary argument!

Why state one as a reason or opinion? Why can’t you introduce both in your discussion?

Even if you are discussing just an idea, it may be a stretch to “actually experience it”, certainly you can introduce a story that may act as an “experience”.
If you are trying to discuss something with a party that has already made up its mind, if you desire to find out on what he’s basing his opinion, at least you gain something. If you decide it’s useless to continue then find a way to polite way to end the exchange.

Too often you find there’s no way to answer ….”You can’t know without experiencing that.”
This is an ideal time to ask the question… “Do you fully understand when you “experience”?


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