How can I “interest” you to explore?
How can I “interest” you to have an adventure?
How can I “interest” you in other ways to handle things which can cause you unnecessary grief and discomfort?
All this comes under the heading of “sharing experiences”.
No…it’s not to “tell” you anything! It’s just to “share”!
There is little that’s right or wrong. But to “share” experiences or explanations doesn’t mean to “tell” you anything. Think what you will but please let me share ideas with you.
Some of these ideas you may want to adopt, some you may disagree with; but please let me share with you.
“Sharing” is not threatening you in any way. You remain the same person you always were. True, you may reject or accept some new ideas. But that is always up to you. It’s always your choice!
You may accept or reject what you’ve heard on T.V., but please let me share what I’ve heard.
You may have your own ideas of what this country stands for, but please let me share what I’ve heard.
You may have your own ideas of what’s really important, but please let me share what I’ve heard.
Again, you may have your own ideas, but please let me share what I’ve heard.
Before you disagree or demonstrate try hearing different points of view. Without research or investigation you may be only partially informed. Experience can be a teacher. History can be a teacher. New information can be a teacher. Your desire to be informed may change your desires to argue all the time or to “demonstrate”. Isn’t it better to seek further understanding than it is to constantly state your own opinion? After all, you already know what your own opinion is! There’s nothing new in that!
Before you reject all this…. What, really, is a “successful alternative”?
“To learn”, “to teach”, “to share” are all ways to become more informed. It is in the “how” it’s being presented. Suppose you accept all the ways something is being “presented” as a way of “sharing”; there would be no threat, no arguments, no demonstrations! Life could be more “pleasant”!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Family - #401 - #14 - Character Counts – By Michael Josephson
Management guru Peter Drucker advocates a practice he calls planned abandonment. He stresses how important it is that managers develop the wisdom and courage to regularly review what the organization is doing and determine whether it's worth doing. He urges executives to note and resist the systemic and emotional forces that make it difficult to abandon activities that drain resources, detract from central goals, or otherwise impede progress.
Professor Drucker's insights about abandonment seem equally applicable to the management of our lives. Many of us continue to pursue unrealistic career goals or stay in unhealthy or non constructive relationships that ought to be abandoned because they keep us from moving upward and forward toward core life goals.
It makes no sense to settle for relationships that lessen rather than enlarge us, that diminish rather than develop our values and character. Thus, we should summon the courage and integrity to abandon dead-end personal or work relationships. We need to recognize how murky notions of loyalty can blind us to simple realities and how unrealistic hopes that things will change can prevent us from achieving our higher potential.
Toxic relationships not only make us unhappy; they corrupt our attitudes and dispositions in ways that undermine healthier relationships and blur our vision of what is possible. It's never easy to change, but nothing gets better without change.
I recently met with hundreds of quality improvement specialists at the California State University system. That's right, there are people whose job it is to make things better. As I prepared, it struck me how similar quality improvement is to character development. Here are seven principles:
1. You don't have to be sick to get better. Every system or process, every person, can be improved.
2. Good enough, isn't. The "if it's not broke, don't fix it mentality" promotes mediocrity that evolves to inferiority. If you're not getting better, you're probably getting worse. Systems that do not adapt to changing circumstances not only become obsolete, often they become counter-productive.
3. There can be no improvement without change and change is scary.
4. All change involves risk, but failure to change involves greater risk.
5. No system is more powerful than the people who create or manage it. Systems, like belief patterns, are created by the human mind and they can always be modified or abandoned by choice.
6. The quality of service cannot exceed the quality of the systems through which it is delivered. Bad processes, confusing, irrational or out-of-date policies will yield bad products and services; bad values yield bad choices.
7. Changing systems even slightly can be costly; not every improvement is worth the cost.
(This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.)
Why is it that most employees think their bosses are at least a little out of touch? Probably because they are. Even those who worked their way to the top lose some credibility and effectiveness because they don't recognize what I call Ten Truths for the Boss:
1. The more certain you are that "it can't happen here," the more likely it is that it will. Be careful about overconfidence and complacency.
2. There are lots of things you don't know, and lots of people who hope you don't find out. Hardly anybody tells you the whole truth anymore. Information is filtered through the fears and career aspirations of subordinates, and many employees believe you will "kill the messenger" if they deliver bad news so they tell you what they think you want to hear.
3. To those who want to please you, your whisper is a yell and your comments are commands. Be careful, people may do foolish things to please you.
4. What you allow, you encourage.
5. There's never just one bad employee; there's the employee and the manager who keeps him.
6. At least someone who works for you is "gaming" the system so they appear to reach their business objectives with smoke and mirrors rather than real achievement.
7. According to the law of big numbers, if you have lots of employees, you probably have a few crooks and psychopaths working for you.
8. Few people think as highly of your ethics as you do.
9. No matter how many good things you do, you will be judged by your last worst act.
10. No matter what your job description says, what matters most is how you manage relationships and people.
When his son was just learning to write, Paul Halpern gave him a small chalkboard so they could write notes to each other. One evening while Paul was in the living room his son called out from the bedroom, "How do you spell 'best'?" A few minutes after Paul answered, his son yelled again: "How do you spell 'kid'?" Paul yelled back, "k-i-d" And then, for a third time his son asked, "How do you spell 'ever'?"
When Paul went into the child's room to view the board, he expected to see a note saying, "I am the best kid ever," but he was totally surprised when his son presented him a different message: "You are the best dad a kid can ever have."
Paul told his son he would have to buy him another chalkboard because he wanted to save this one. Many years later, it still hang's on Paul's wall.
Most people struggle hard for approval at work with the hope of getting acknowledgment, a raise or a promotion. And these forms of recognition can give real pleasure. Yet if you could choose between winning your child's "best dad a kid can ever have" award and being named the best employee, which would you choose?
The point is not to belittle the pursuit of recognition and success in your business life, but to remind you how much closer, more personally meaningful and easier it is to find an enduring sense of pride and pleasure in the earned appreciation of your own children.
A man in a hot air balloon, realizing he was lost, lowered it to shout to a fellow on the ground: "The wind's blown me off course, can you tell me where I am?" The man replied, "Sure. You're hovering about 60 feet over this wheat field." "You must be an engineer," the balloonist yelled. "I am. How did you know?" the man replied. "Well, everything you told me is technically correct but of absolutely no use." The engineer retorted, "You're an executive, right?" " "How did you know?" the balloonist responded. "Well, you were drifting in no particular direction before you asked my help and you're still lost but now it's my fault."
The balloon is a good metaphor for our lives. At first, all we want to do is rise as high as we can in terms of money, position and prestige. Yet as we rise wind currents push us sideways. Eventually, many of us discover that we're on a very different course than we intended, a long way from the spot we took off from or hoped to end up at. So we blame the wind or anything else.
What we have to realize is that our power of choice is a steering mechanism that lets us respond to each breeze and gust. We can drift with or go against the current. Like haphazard wind currents, unplanned events beyond our control affect the direction of our lives. But, in the end, what we do and become is determined by our choices. The key is to be attentive, to look around to be sure we are going where we want to go.
For an archive of commentaries, including audio files, visit:
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Josephson Institute of Ethics
4640 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6610
(310) 306-1868 / (800) 711-2670
Management guru Peter Drucker advocates a practice he calls planned abandonment. He stresses how important it is that managers develop the wisdom and courage to regularly review what the organization is doing and determine whether it's worth doing. He urges executives to note and resist the systemic and emotional forces that make it difficult to abandon activities that drain resources, detract from central goals, or otherwise impede progress.
Professor Drucker's insights about abandonment seem equally applicable to the management of our lives. Many of us continue to pursue unrealistic career goals or stay in unhealthy or non constructive relationships that ought to be abandoned because they keep us from moving upward and forward toward core life goals.
It makes no sense to settle for relationships that lessen rather than enlarge us, that diminish rather than develop our values and character. Thus, we should summon the courage and integrity to abandon dead-end personal or work relationships. We need to recognize how murky notions of loyalty can blind us to simple realities and how unrealistic hopes that things will change can prevent us from achieving our higher potential.
Toxic relationships not only make us unhappy; they corrupt our attitudes and dispositions in ways that undermine healthier relationships and blur our vision of what is possible. It's never easy to change, but nothing gets better without change.
I recently met with hundreds of quality improvement specialists at the California State University system. That's right, there are people whose job it is to make things better. As I prepared, it struck me how similar quality improvement is to character development. Here are seven principles:
1. You don't have to be sick to get better. Every system or process, every person, can be improved.
2. Good enough, isn't. The "if it's not broke, don't fix it mentality" promotes mediocrity that evolves to inferiority. If you're not getting better, you're probably getting worse. Systems that do not adapt to changing circumstances not only become obsolete, often they become counter-productive.
3. There can be no improvement without change and change is scary.
4. All change involves risk, but failure to change involves greater risk.
5. No system is more powerful than the people who create or manage it. Systems, like belief patterns, are created by the human mind and they can always be modified or abandoned by choice.
6. The quality of service cannot exceed the quality of the systems through which it is delivered. Bad processes, confusing, irrational or out-of-date policies will yield bad products and services; bad values yield bad choices.
7. Changing systems even slightly can be costly; not every improvement is worth the cost.
(This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.)
Why is it that most employees think their bosses are at least a little out of touch? Probably because they are. Even those who worked their way to the top lose some credibility and effectiveness because they don't recognize what I call Ten Truths for the Boss:
1. The more certain you are that "it can't happen here," the more likely it is that it will. Be careful about overconfidence and complacency.
2. There are lots of things you don't know, and lots of people who hope you don't find out. Hardly anybody tells you the whole truth anymore. Information is filtered through the fears and career aspirations of subordinates, and many employees believe you will "kill the messenger" if they deliver bad news so they tell you what they think you want to hear.
3. To those who want to please you, your whisper is a yell and your comments are commands. Be careful, people may do foolish things to please you.
4. What you allow, you encourage.
5. There's never just one bad employee; there's the employee and the manager who keeps him.
6. At least someone who works for you is "gaming" the system so they appear to reach their business objectives with smoke and mirrors rather than real achievement.
7. According to the law of big numbers, if you have lots of employees, you probably have a few crooks and psychopaths working for you.
8. Few people think as highly of your ethics as you do.
9. No matter how many good things you do, you will be judged by your last worst act.
10. No matter what your job description says, what matters most is how you manage relationships and people.
When his son was just learning to write, Paul Halpern gave him a small chalkboard so they could write notes to each other. One evening while Paul was in the living room his son called out from the bedroom, "How do you spell 'best'?" A few minutes after Paul answered, his son yelled again: "How do you spell 'kid'?" Paul yelled back, "k-i-d" And then, for a third time his son asked, "How do you spell 'ever'?"
When Paul went into the child's room to view the board, he expected to see a note saying, "I am the best kid ever," but he was totally surprised when his son presented him a different message: "You are the best dad a kid can ever have."
Paul told his son he would have to buy him another chalkboard because he wanted to save this one. Many years later, it still hang's on Paul's wall.
Most people struggle hard for approval at work with the hope of getting acknowledgment, a raise or a promotion. And these forms of recognition can give real pleasure. Yet if you could choose between winning your child's "best dad a kid can ever have" award and being named the best employee, which would you choose?
The point is not to belittle the pursuit of recognition and success in your business life, but to remind you how much closer, more personally meaningful and easier it is to find an enduring sense of pride and pleasure in the earned appreciation of your own children.
A man in a hot air balloon, realizing he was lost, lowered it to shout to a fellow on the ground: "The wind's blown me off course, can you tell me where I am?" The man replied, "Sure. You're hovering about 60 feet over this wheat field." "You must be an engineer," the balloonist yelled. "I am. How did you know?" the man replied. "Well, everything you told me is technically correct but of absolutely no use." The engineer retorted, "You're an executive, right?" " "How did you know?" the balloonist responded. "Well, you were drifting in no particular direction before you asked my help and you're still lost but now it's my fault."
The balloon is a good metaphor for our lives. At first, all we want to do is rise as high as we can in terms of money, position and prestige. Yet as we rise wind currents push us sideways. Eventually, many of us discover that we're on a very different course than we intended, a long way from the spot we took off from or hoped to end up at. So we blame the wind or anything else.
What we have to realize is that our power of choice is a steering mechanism that lets us respond to each breeze and gust. We can drift with or go against the current. Like haphazard wind currents, unplanned events beyond our control affect the direction of our lives. But, in the end, what we do and become is determined by our choices. The key is to be attentive, to look around to be sure we are going where we want to go.
For an archive of commentaries, including audio files, visit:
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Please forward this e-newsletter to others and let us know if you have any problems viewing it.
Josephson Institute of Ethics
4640 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6610
(310) 306-1868 / (800) 711-2670
Family - #410 - #13 – Not interested, not motivated...
How to interest, or, to motivate someone to try a new idea, a new approach
I’m at a loss when someone is “simply not interested”, too “busy”, not motivated to understand; or, to find a “Successful Alternative”
How do you interest someone?
How do you motivate someone?
How do you make yourself “care”?
Suppose someone is having a “hard time”, or, is expressing a negative reaction? Am I supposed to disregard the obvious and “pile in”?
These questions have to do with “teens”, “schools”, “marriages”, “politics” and almost anything else!
Ah! But we have choices!! … Some choices you may not like, but they are choices!
For instance….
Suppose I ignore the obvious reactions and simply turn my back. I make no attempt to influence this present state of affairs. I may just leave the situation “as is” and go on about something I can do something about…. But, it is certainly an option!
Suppose I attempt to find a mutual set of facts or examples that attempt to show a different course of action. And suppose I am still left with that feeling that the party involved is still not motivated to understand or even acknowledge my “attempt”? What then? Do I then simply “turn my back” and leave?
….. But, it is certainly an option!
Suppose I care about the person or the issue? What then? I want to make a contribution. I want, at the very least, to express my ideas. Do I measure my personal success by the reactions of the other party? If I do, I am putting my life in another’s hands! If my personal reaction is based on the reaction of another, I am truly in jeopardy!! ….. But, it is certainly an option!
But what to do……
If you want to make a contribution, simply make it!!
Don’t look for agreement, change, or even participation. Just do the best “contributing” you can do, and satisfy yourself with a “job well done”! Your repayment is the self-analysis that you did the best you could do; and, go about your business.
Even if it is your own blood and kin… try your best and then “go about your business”!
What’s “your” successful alternative?
You may decide that you have enough energy and desire to “try again”. Just go do it!!! But remember that your satisfaction must come from the personal self-realization that you tried to do your best!
You cannot judge yourself and your success by the reaction of others!
If you are able to influence, great!! … But if you did your best and nothing….. so be it!
Does this bode well for our schools, our governmental policies, and our own peace and comfort?
I’m not so sure… But “what’s the successful alternative?” ……
Continuing to complain, feeling depressed and helpless certainly is not too constructive.
So I conclude with the simple thought of “the ol’ college try”! At least try to make your best contribution.
Try to influence the best way you know how. But don’t measure your success from the reactions of others.
It’s a way of thinking that has to be “learned”.
It’s a way that has to be continually practiced and relearned.
It’s a way of personal “survival”! …. (Just think about it. After all “What’s the successful alternative?”)
I’m at a loss when someone is “simply not interested”, too “busy”, not motivated to understand; or, to find a “Successful Alternative”
How do you interest someone?
How do you motivate someone?
How do you make yourself “care”?
Suppose someone is having a “hard time”, or, is expressing a negative reaction? Am I supposed to disregard the obvious and “pile in”?
These questions have to do with “teens”, “schools”, “marriages”, “politics” and almost anything else!
Ah! But we have choices!! … Some choices you may not like, but they are choices!
For instance….
Suppose I ignore the obvious reactions and simply turn my back. I make no attempt to influence this present state of affairs. I may just leave the situation “as is” and go on about something I can do something about…. But, it is certainly an option!
Suppose I attempt to find a mutual set of facts or examples that attempt to show a different course of action. And suppose I am still left with that feeling that the party involved is still not motivated to understand or even acknowledge my “attempt”? What then? Do I then simply “turn my back” and leave?
….. But, it is certainly an option!
Suppose I care about the person or the issue? What then? I want to make a contribution. I want, at the very least, to express my ideas. Do I measure my personal success by the reactions of the other party? If I do, I am putting my life in another’s hands! If my personal reaction is based on the reaction of another, I am truly in jeopardy!! ….. But, it is certainly an option!
But what to do……
If you want to make a contribution, simply make it!!
Don’t look for agreement, change, or even participation. Just do the best “contributing” you can do, and satisfy yourself with a “job well done”! Your repayment is the self-analysis that you did the best you could do; and, go about your business.
Even if it is your own blood and kin… try your best and then “go about your business”!
What’s “your” successful alternative?
You may decide that you have enough energy and desire to “try again”. Just go do it!!! But remember that your satisfaction must come from the personal self-realization that you tried to do your best!
You cannot judge yourself and your success by the reaction of others!
If you are able to influence, great!! … But if you did your best and nothing….. so be it!
Does this bode well for our schools, our governmental policies, and our own peace and comfort?
I’m not so sure… But “what’s the successful alternative?” ……
Continuing to complain, feeling depressed and helpless certainly is not too constructive.
So I conclude with the simple thought of “the ol’ college try”! At least try to make your best contribution.
Try to influence the best way you know how. But don’t measure your success from the reactions of others.
It’s a way of thinking that has to be “learned”.
It’s a way that has to be continually practiced and relearned.
It’s a way of personal “survival”! …. (Just think about it. After all “What’s the successful alternative?”)
Family - #401 - #12 – What are “public” schools supposed to teach?
What’s more important? …..
1. How to get a job? …What is “money” and how to use it wisely …
2. What is good health?
3. What is lawful? .. i.e. “right vs. wrong” … private property …. violence and physical harm…..
4. Reading
5. Writing
6. Arithmetic
7. History?…. Ethnic history? … European and Global history? … American history? …. Etc.
8. Self esteem and confidence … (whatever these mean!)
9. Family, marriage, children, and sex
10. Anti discrimination, and, moral values
11.Logic and Reason
12. What is America? . .. What it is supposed to stand for? …. What is unique?… What is patriotism?
So, what’s your choice? …. How many do you choose?
What is your “priority” of choice?
Where do you find the qualified “teachers” of these choices?
What do you expect the result to be? … How do we “measure” success?
Although we spend more money on “Education” (whatever that means!) than any other single budget item except National Defense, what should we be teaching? What is included in “Education”?
What do we do with students that are….
1. not interested
2. not disciplined
3. not motivated
4. don’t speak the English language
5. medically, mentally not equipped to enter a “regular” school. (what part of the financial budget is reserved for these “special cases” and what does it take away from the operations and activities of the “regular “ schools? (What do they have to give up?)
These are enough questions. What’s the answers to at least these questions? To whom do we look give us answers? Why are we willing to expend so much of our hard earned “treasure” if we can’t get the answers? …. What are “public schools” supposed to teach?
1. How to get a job? …What is “money” and how to use it wisely …
2. What is good health?
3. What is lawful? .. i.e. “right vs. wrong” … private property …. violence and physical harm…..
4. Reading
5. Writing
6. Arithmetic
7. History?…. Ethnic history? … European and Global history? … American history? …. Etc.
8. Self esteem and confidence … (whatever these mean!)
9. Family, marriage, children, and sex
10. Anti discrimination, and, moral values
11.Logic and Reason
12. What is America? . .. What it is supposed to stand for? …. What is unique?… What is patriotism?
So, what’s your choice? …. How many do you choose?
What is your “priority” of choice?
Where do you find the qualified “teachers” of these choices?
What do you expect the result to be? … How do we “measure” success?
Although we spend more money on “Education” (whatever that means!) than any other single budget item except National Defense, what should we be teaching? What is included in “Education”?
What do we do with students that are….
1. not interested
2. not disciplined
3. not motivated
4. don’t speak the English language
5. medically, mentally not equipped to enter a “regular” school. (what part of the financial budget is reserved for these “special cases” and what does it take away from the operations and activities of the “regular “ schools? (What do they have to give up?)
These are enough questions. What’s the answers to at least these questions? To whom do we look give us answers? Why are we willing to expend so much of our hard earned “treasure” if we can’t get the answers? …. What are “public schools” supposed to teach?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Definition - #301 – #56 - McCain's “change” or Obama’s “change”
Well, which do you want?
After all, the candidates talk about their “change”. “Change” of what?....How do you “change”?… How much does “it” cost?.... Who does it benefit?....etc.
“Change” is a word that is bandied about. It is without specifics. It is the basis of the election.
Who cannot be for “change”?
Osama’s “change” or Obama’s “change”?
Is “change” without specifics, without definition, to be the basis of a candidates choice?
Poor America! It is running around blind! It is without thought! It is without reason!
Forget about “whose” change!
“Change” is supposed to have a meaning, a definition!
America (including the media and the pundits) has adopted this word without a “mutual meaning”. Each person has his own “definition”…. Isn’t that one of the jobs of the “contenders”?
An individual who is advocating “change” has an obligation to define what he means. To advocate a foreign policy that needs “more foreign policy advocates” means that you are aware of the strides that are taking place, (the present program that the operating Administration has ongoing), and this is what you feel is inadequate, the need to “change”.. How exactly would you “change” it? ….(Or do you just want to “change” the foreign policy of the U.S.?)
Osama’s “change” or Obama’s “change”?
Any individual who wants “change” must be aware and state what are the present actions being taken and what they are going to do to make the “change”. Anything else will lead us to obscurity!
Do you want the election based on a misunderstanding, or worse, no understanding at all?
After all, the candidates talk about their “change”. “Change” of what?....How do you “change”?… How much does “it” cost?.... Who does it benefit?....etc.
“Change” is a word that is bandied about. It is without specifics. It is the basis of the election.
Who cannot be for “change”?
Osama’s “change” or Obama’s “change”?
Is “change” without specifics, without definition, to be the basis of a candidates choice?
Poor America! It is running around blind! It is without thought! It is without reason!
Forget about “whose” change!
“Change” is supposed to have a meaning, a definition!
America (including the media and the pundits) has adopted this word without a “mutual meaning”. Each person has his own “definition”…. Isn’t that one of the jobs of the “contenders”?
An individual who is advocating “change” has an obligation to define what he means. To advocate a foreign policy that needs “more foreign policy advocates” means that you are aware of the strides that are taking place, (the present program that the operating Administration has ongoing), and this is what you feel is inadequate, the need to “change”.. How exactly would you “change” it? ….(Or do you just want to “change” the foreign policy of the U.S.?)
Osama’s “change” or Obama’s “change”?
Any individual who wants “change” must be aware and state what are the present actions being taken and what they are going to do to make the “change”. Anything else will lead us to obscurity!
Do you want the election based on a misunderstanding, or worse, no understanding at all?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Personal - #501 - #74 -Leadership and Policy are two different things!
Do you think that the general American people should make the policy?
Uninformed, lack of geography, lack of history, lack of every vestige of long term anything; the average American is the least likely group to look for “policy, long term policy”!
What should the “long term policy” for the U.S. be?
Should it be the long term policy of a “democratic” government? This has already made enemies of almost every dictator or authoritarian government in existence today!
Should it be “inclusion”? That is, we undertake every meeting with all kinds of people, democratic or not. But different people, representing different thoughts, as though we stand for that!
Should our sworn enemies be included? After all, if we want “change”, shouldn’t our behavior change?
Is going against our policy be a national thing or a reasoned discussion among only the “informed” people who will then pass the policies to the government for leadership? By leadership, I mean, such things as the economy, welfare, schools, medi-care, etc.; the “social” issues of today. The leadership of the government can handle the social issues of today. It might be tortuous and slow, but the general public or the government for “policy”?
The dialogue necessary for policy is a reasoned affair without parties, without rancor, without one person trying to influence another for advantage…. in other words for ideas, long term ideas.
It is up to this group to discus “policy”. No to other group has the experience, geographical, or historical background necessary. Nor do they have the discipline required in such a conversation. It is sad but true!
The wheels of a democratic institution are slow and cumbersome but the have to realize there is a change in the world. America has got to stand for something! The public must be educated to this reality but that will take time (which we don’t have!). There is nothing to look forward too if America doesn’t even exist!
Why are we hated so? Why does everyone want to come to America?(with all our faults!) When did it start? Whose to blame? Etc., etc.
This cannot be a part of the long term “policy” discussion. These are much more important than that. Let the media and the pundits roll around in the mud! They think that what they’re talking about makes sense and is important. It will be the education of the general public that will bring “change” to the public at large…. Nothing more!
Are Leadership and Policy two different things?
Uninformed, lack of geography, lack of history, lack of every vestige of long term anything; the average American is the least likely group to look for “policy, long term policy”!
What should the “long term policy” for the U.S. be?
Should it be the long term policy of a “democratic” government? This has already made enemies of almost every dictator or authoritarian government in existence today!
Should it be “inclusion”? That is, we undertake every meeting with all kinds of people, democratic or not. But different people, representing different thoughts, as though we stand for that!
Should our sworn enemies be included? After all, if we want “change”, shouldn’t our behavior change?
Is going against our policy be a national thing or a reasoned discussion among only the “informed” people who will then pass the policies to the government for leadership? By leadership, I mean, such things as the economy, welfare, schools, medi-care, etc.; the “social” issues of today. The leadership of the government can handle the social issues of today. It might be tortuous and slow, but the general public or the government for “policy”?
The dialogue necessary for policy is a reasoned affair without parties, without rancor, without one person trying to influence another for advantage…. in other words for ideas, long term ideas.
It is up to this group to discus “policy”. No to other group has the experience, geographical, or historical background necessary. Nor do they have the discipline required in such a conversation. It is sad but true!
The wheels of a democratic institution are slow and cumbersome but the have to realize there is a change in the world. America has got to stand for something! The public must be educated to this reality but that will take time (which we don’t have!). There is nothing to look forward too if America doesn’t even exist!
Why are we hated so? Why does everyone want to come to America?(with all our faults!) When did it start? Whose to blame? Etc., etc.
This cannot be a part of the long term “policy” discussion. These are much more important than that. Let the media and the pundits roll around in the mud! They think that what they’re talking about makes sense and is important. It will be the education of the general public that will bring “change” to the public at large…. Nothing more!
Are Leadership and Policy two different things?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Definition - #301 - #37 -The “formula” for success?
Many people look for a “success formula”!
But they don’t know what they’re looking for!
“Success” can mean in money, in marriage, in friendships, in every way!
But what if I can’t find a formula for “success”?
Do I continue to have anxieties?
Do I continue to have unresolved fears?
Do I continue to have unresolved problems?
But what if I can’t find a formula for “success”?
Sometimes I feel that I don’t have the information to judge, to have new ideas.
Sometimes I feel that the world has become too complicated.
Sometimes I feel that there are too many issues to cope with.
Do I have to make a difference?
Suppose I just “drop out”?
Suppose I just don’t “give a damn” anymore?
Suppose I just pay attention to what is in front of me, my family, my business, my well being?
Do I have to make a difference?
Well, what do I do?
Is there a “successful alternative” for me to gain control?
If I just feel uncomfortable, what’s the “successful alternative”?
Do I have to make a difference?
Can I find a “formula for success”? ……..
If I feel uncomfortable, if I feel disconcerted; there must be a “plan of personal action”. The plan must be one of self initiation. Nobody will tell you what to do. If I look for a reaction to what I am saying or the policies I have generated, I am doomed to failure. To look for a reaction from others is a sure sign of failure. This must be an independent plan, a self generated plan, “a plan of personal action”.
Obviously if I feel disconnected, disconcerted, depressed I must do something!
To expect a reaction from others is already self defeating. Any requirement that depends on “others” for success is doomed! Again, this must be “a plan of personal action”.
Try to be “constructive” in your conversation with others. They have heard all the negatives before. Try to find out the source of their ideas and opinions. (Don’t be surprised if there isn’t any!) Try to find “mutual definitions”. (It’s more important than any “revelations”!)
Above all, don’t give up any definite plan or hope for yourself. Don’t let these ideas change any hopes for yourself…..(if they are without consequences to others!) Any plan you presently have for the future is better than no plan!
In essence, try to make a “meaningful contribution”. That’s the best you can do…..
But they don’t know what they’re looking for!
“Success” can mean in money, in marriage, in friendships, in every way!
But what if I can’t find a formula for “success”?
Do I continue to have anxieties?
Do I continue to have unresolved fears?
Do I continue to have unresolved problems?
But what if I can’t find a formula for “success”?
Sometimes I feel that I don’t have the information to judge, to have new ideas.
Sometimes I feel that the world has become too complicated.
Sometimes I feel that there are too many issues to cope with.
Do I have to make a difference?
Suppose I just “drop out”?
Suppose I just don’t “give a damn” anymore?
Suppose I just pay attention to what is in front of me, my family, my business, my well being?
Do I have to make a difference?
Well, what do I do?
Is there a “successful alternative” for me to gain control?
If I just feel uncomfortable, what’s the “successful alternative”?
Do I have to make a difference?
Can I find a “formula for success”? ……..
If I feel uncomfortable, if I feel disconcerted; there must be a “plan of personal action”. The plan must be one of self initiation. Nobody will tell you what to do. If I look for a reaction to what I am saying or the policies I have generated, I am doomed to failure. To look for a reaction from others is a sure sign of failure. This must be an independent plan, a self generated plan, “a plan of personal action”.
Obviously if I feel disconnected, disconcerted, depressed I must do something!
To expect a reaction from others is already self defeating. Any requirement that depends on “others” for success is doomed! Again, this must be “a plan of personal action”.
Try to be “constructive” in your conversation with others. They have heard all the negatives before. Try to find out the source of their ideas and opinions. (Don’t be surprised if there isn’t any!) Try to find “mutual definitions”. (It’s more important than any “revelations”!)
Above all, don’t give up any definite plan or hope for yourself. Don’t let these ideas change any hopes for yourself…..(if they are without consequences to others!) Any plan you presently have for the future is better than no plan!
In essence, try to make a “meaningful contribution”. That’s the best you can do…..
Definition - #301 – #36 - Reason is NOT a greater value than “Experience”
By “experience”, I mean the actual living through the situation. What I DON”T mean is the intellectual activity of only reason and logic. Living through a situation is different. You can’t shut it off, you can’t rearrange it… live through it!.... all of it!
Reason and logic are intellectual pursuits. They are done in the mind. The mind can diminish or make larger, the mind can rearrange, the mind can shut it off for a while. The mind can be a great tool if used properly.
One without the other is only half at best.
To opine that unless you experience something you can’t understand it, is just as misinformed as saying “because you’ve lived through it, you necessarily understand it”. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Also, to say that you thoroughly understand something without actually living through it , is just as ill advised.
Neither one, without the other, is a full answer.
These words are being constantly thrown around. Opinions on each side vary. One thing is sure. You’re going to end up in an argument! ….. an unnecessary argument!
Why state one as a reason or opinion? Why can’t you introduce both in your discussion?
Even if you are discussing just an idea, it may be a stretch to “actually experience it”, certainly you can introduce a story that may act as an “experience”.
If you are trying to discuss something with a party that has already made up its mind, if you desire to find out on what he’s basing his opinion, at least you gain something. If you decide it’s useless to continue then find a way to polite way to end the exchange.
Too often you find there’s no way to answer ….”You can’t know without experiencing that.”
This is an ideal time to ask the question… “Do you fully understand when you “experience”?
Reason and logic are intellectual pursuits. They are done in the mind. The mind can diminish or make larger, the mind can rearrange, the mind can shut it off for a while. The mind can be a great tool if used properly.
One without the other is only half at best.
To opine that unless you experience something you can’t understand it, is just as misinformed as saying “because you’ve lived through it, you necessarily understand it”. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Also, to say that you thoroughly understand something without actually living through it , is just as ill advised.
Neither one, without the other, is a full answer.
These words are being constantly thrown around. Opinions on each side vary. One thing is sure. You’re going to end up in an argument! ….. an unnecessary argument!
Why state one as a reason or opinion? Why can’t you introduce both in your discussion?
Even if you are discussing just an idea, it may be a stretch to “actually experience it”, certainly you can introduce a story that may act as an “experience”.
If you are trying to discuss something with a party that has already made up its mind, if you desire to find out on what he’s basing his opinion, at least you gain something. If you decide it’s useless to continue then find a way to polite way to end the exchange.
Too often you find there’s no way to answer ….”You can’t know without experiencing that.”
This is an ideal time to ask the question… “Do you fully understand when you “experience”?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Definition - #301 – #35 – Be more careful in your opinions
Should a “policy” be modified with changing conditions?
Why should a “policy” remain static?
If you expected a “policy” to change with the changing times, how could you criticize the original “policy” without, at the same time, noting the changes in the present conditions from this original time?
Suppose, all along, the “policy” was created to change with changing conditions?
Suppose, all along, conditions were being watched for changes so that the proper “policy” was also modified?
Would your criticisms of the “original policy” now be warranted? Would you avoid discussions of the “changing conditions” from the original time?
Certain “policies” never change regardless of the so-called “changing times”. The U.S. believes in “freedom” and a fairly representative government. This is the kind of “policy” that shouldn’t change! Of course there are other “values” that remain “unchangeable”, regardless of changing times.
To believe that nothing was planned, no attention was being pursued, no intelligence was being gathered prior to 1951 is ridiculous! Of course there were secret missions all over the world to find out what was happening. Because the general public was not privy to all these secret plans, and the enemies were not too cognizant of the U.S. intrusions; does not mean there were none! Of course there were! Even our enemies tried to enhance their intelligence to find out more about the U.S.
To make conclusions based on the limited and sometimes “spun” information, is a lack of thinking on the general public’s part! What do you mean there were no plans! There were many. Some, thankfully, did not and do not have to be used.
It is truly very difficult to separate “fact from fiction”. But for heaven’s sake, don’t just absorb the latest media or political “spin” without regard to “common sense”.
The most common element in today’s discussions is the lack of “common sense”. To make personal decisions on the type of “silver bullets” in today’s media and political comments is, again, ridiculous! Democrat, Republican, President George Bush and his administration, and a lack of confidence in the future of the U.S. are all in a state of flux because of this careless rhetoric.
Be more careful in your opinions…….
Why should a “policy” remain static?
If you expected a “policy” to change with the changing times, how could you criticize the original “policy” without, at the same time, noting the changes in the present conditions from this original time?
Suppose, all along, the “policy” was created to change with changing conditions?
Suppose, all along, conditions were being watched for changes so that the proper “policy” was also modified?
Would your criticisms of the “original policy” now be warranted? Would you avoid discussions of the “changing conditions” from the original time?
Certain “policies” never change regardless of the so-called “changing times”. The U.S. believes in “freedom” and a fairly representative government. This is the kind of “policy” that shouldn’t change! Of course there are other “values” that remain “unchangeable”, regardless of changing times.
To believe that nothing was planned, no attention was being pursued, no intelligence was being gathered prior to 1951 is ridiculous! Of course there were secret missions all over the world to find out what was happening. Because the general public was not privy to all these secret plans, and the enemies were not too cognizant of the U.S. intrusions; does not mean there were none! Of course there were! Even our enemies tried to enhance their intelligence to find out more about the U.S.
To make conclusions based on the limited and sometimes “spun” information, is a lack of thinking on the general public’s part! What do you mean there were no plans! There were many. Some, thankfully, did not and do not have to be used.
It is truly very difficult to separate “fact from fiction”. But for heaven’s sake, don’t just absorb the latest media or political “spin” without regard to “common sense”.
The most common element in today’s discussions is the lack of “common sense”. To make personal decisions on the type of “silver bullets” in today’s media and political comments is, again, ridiculous! Democrat, Republican, President George Bush and his administration, and a lack of confidence in the future of the U.S. are all in a state of flux because of this careless rhetoric.
Be more careful in your opinions…….
Definition - #301– #34 - What is “Fair”?…. What is “Reasonable”?
It’s all in the eye of the beholder!
"Fair” and “Reasonable” are just words. Without “mutual definition”, these words are only the beginning of an argument.
Well….What are the “definitions”?
The first sentence says it all! ….. “It’s all in the eye of the beholder!”
Is the sales contract with Dubai to take over some American ports “good” or “bad”?
Is $20 billion more “good or bad” for the Katrina victims?
Is the increase cost in medical treatment “good or bad”?
Is the increase cost in education “good or bad”?
Is increasing the National debt ceiling “good or bad”?
“etc., etc. ……”
“Good” or Bad” to whom?....Who says so?
Is there a financial limit…. Is the size of pie “infinite”? ....Who says so?
Does the “cost benefit” justify the decision? ....Who says so?
Without a clear, mutually understood statement of facts the public mutters along. Thinking people drop out. The unthinking “mob” continues to listen to the vast number of “pundits”! No one can, it seems, come to an undisputed “fact”.
We can state our “facts” in the beginning. If they are not “mutually” accepted or at least considered there is no use to continue the discussion. (If you feel that your facts are not, at least, considered; you might use this immediate opportunity to politically agree with everything and find out, at least, what your opponent thinks.)
Whether to continue is always up to you.
It does seem a shame that we cannot now seem to have a “civilized” discussion. The general public wants an easier way…… Just to listen to a “silver bullet”! They are either disinterested in thinking and reasoning, or, it’s too hard, or, they do not feel the need or are not motivated to think deeply about anything. They do not think about “their future” or “their country’s” future. They simply are not interested!.... in anything!
Can we, as nation, do anything about this? …… I wonder……
"Fair” and “Reasonable” are just words. Without “mutual definition”, these words are only the beginning of an argument.
Well….What are the “definitions”?
The first sentence says it all! ….. “It’s all in the eye of the beholder!”
Is the sales contract with Dubai to take over some American ports “good” or “bad”?
Is $20 billion more “good or bad” for the Katrina victims?
Is the increase cost in medical treatment “good or bad”?
Is the increase cost in education “good or bad”?
Is increasing the National debt ceiling “good or bad”?
“etc., etc. ……”
“Good” or Bad” to whom?....Who says so?
Is there a financial limit…. Is the size of pie “infinite”? ....Who says so?
Does the “cost benefit” justify the decision? ....Who says so?
Without a clear, mutually understood statement of facts the public mutters along. Thinking people drop out. The unthinking “mob” continues to listen to the vast number of “pundits”! No one can, it seems, come to an undisputed “fact”.
We can state our “facts” in the beginning. If they are not “mutually” accepted or at least considered there is no use to continue the discussion. (If you feel that your facts are not, at least, considered; you might use this immediate opportunity to politically agree with everything and find out, at least, what your opponent thinks.)
Whether to continue is always up to you.
It does seem a shame that we cannot now seem to have a “civilized” discussion. The general public wants an easier way…… Just to listen to a “silver bullet”! They are either disinterested in thinking and reasoning, or, it’s too hard, or, they do not feel the need or are not motivated to think deeply about anything. They do not think about “their future” or “their country’s” future. They simply are not interested!.... in anything!
Can we, as nation, do anything about this? …… I wonder……
Friday, September 12, 2008
Government - #101 - #54 - America – Ruled by Distraction!
How can you focus clearly on anything if experts in the media feed you sex, violence, drugs and “distraction”. They know what sells. They know what the major segment of the population wants.
How can you “focus” on the real issues of War, the Descending of American power in the world, a successful economy, why “they” hate us, etc.
We just don’t have time to think!
Is this the real question?
Politicians are crooked….. Big corporations run the politics….. The USA is failing.
Can we find a few honest men to act as auditors, as “understandable” spokesmen?
Are we being flooded and duped by the discussions of Immigration, Katrina, the Iraq war, the next election, the Duke problem, 6,000 additional National Guards as a “surge” , etc.?
Is this mere misdirection?
The media experts know what keeps our interest….. game shows, police shows, political shows, etc. They know what’s a “Distraction”! That’s their business!
As long as “they” keep us “distracted”, we won’t have time to think!
Who’s the “us”? ….. Why it’s the masses, the general public!
The masses are being controlled by “distraction”! They can’t act! They can’t do anything that’s organized! They can’t even demonstrate because they can’t think.
Who are the “people”, the “masses”, the “mob”?
a) The “mob” that simply don’t care?
b) The “mob” that are looking to someone else to follow?
c) The “mob” that is either totally uninformed or don’t care?
d) The people who are educated but divided and just want to express their opinions more than anything else!
e) The people who are the “thinkers” that don’t know what to do?
People are confused by the enormity of information and facts of the media….They just want to “drop out”. The Iraq war, the radical Moslem influence, the Welfare system, the economy, the health care system, immigration competition, abortion, the supreme court and discrimination, etc
“Distraction” stops action!
Even religion can be distracted from action. Lack of education, anything difficult can be “distracted”.
The masses that use force can be distracted. “Distraction” can deter anything!
People become willing to give up their power. Even generations can give up their power if they are maneuvered through “Distraction”.
How can you focus clearly on anything if experts in the media feed you sex, violence, drugs and “distraction”.
How can you “focus” on the real issues of War, the Descending of American power in the world, a successful economy, why “they” hate us, etc
We just don’t have time to think!
Personal Views - #501 - #73 – Gotcha’ vs. Legitimate debate
Most thinking people are tired of “Gotcha” conversations. They want to “know”!
Most people are not “thinking” people. They are “survival” or “just get along” people.
“Not everyone” is turned on by the same things.
Most people are embarrassed by these labels. They do not like to be labeled! They believe they are “bigger” than that! They believe that they are more complicated than that!
“Who”, just “Who”, are these public “debates” pointed at! It’s the “voters” of course.
“Who” are most of the voters? They are the general public, the uninformed, the “just get along” people!
There are experts in what to say to the “get along” people. They are highly paid consultants that write books on the subject. It is “NOT” information the “get along” people receive but what the consultant wants them to hear. This is “NOT” legitimate debate.
“Legitimate debate” is when two or more people discuss why they believe in a certain way. “NO” it’s “not “what they believe”, (that’s more of what thinking people get turned off….) but “why and what” made them think the way they think. This gives the thinking people “alternatives” on which to make their own opinions. That’s “information”!
Would you believe a football coach would give the opposing team his playbook? Of course “not”! There are certain things you don’t want your opponent to know. How much, in all fairness, do you want your opponent to know? That is why the nation’s secrets are so difficult to regulate. We want to know something. What is “enough”? This is why the nation needs leaders it can trust. In every position, the nation needs our finest. Politicians who can be trusted! The few whose judgment we trust.
We cannot distrust everyone! We cannot “try” everyone. But, as a nation, we can try “alternatives and definitions” when ever we speak.
Do you believe in “I gotcha” talk? Do you use “I gotcha beliefs” instead of “the search for successful alternatives or definitions” in what you say. It’s a place to start!... Or, are you just a “get along”!
Most people are not “thinking” people. They are “survival” or “just get along” people.
“Not everyone” is turned on by the same things.
Most people are embarrassed by these labels. They do not like to be labeled! They believe they are “bigger” than that! They believe that they are more complicated than that!
“Who”, just “Who”, are these public “debates” pointed at! It’s the “voters” of course.
“Who” are most of the voters? They are the general public, the uninformed, the “just get along” people!
There are experts in what to say to the “get along” people. They are highly paid consultants that write books on the subject. It is “NOT” information the “get along” people receive but what the consultant wants them to hear. This is “NOT” legitimate debate.
“Legitimate debate” is when two or more people discuss why they believe in a certain way. “NO” it’s “not “what they believe”, (that’s more of what thinking people get turned off….) but “why and what” made them think the way they think. This gives the thinking people “alternatives” on which to make their own opinions. That’s “information”!
Would you believe a football coach would give the opposing team his playbook? Of course “not”! There are certain things you don’t want your opponent to know. How much, in all fairness, do you want your opponent to know? That is why the nation’s secrets are so difficult to regulate. We want to know something. What is “enough”? This is why the nation needs leaders it can trust. In every position, the nation needs our finest. Politicians who can be trusted! The few whose judgment we trust.
We cannot distrust everyone! We cannot “try” everyone. But, as a nation, we can try “alternatives and definitions” when ever we speak.
Do you believe in “I gotcha” talk? Do you use “I gotcha beliefs” instead of “the search for successful alternatives or definitions” in what you say. It’s a place to start!... Or, are you just a “get along”!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Definition -
#101 - #54 - America – Ruled by Distraction!
How can you focus clearly on anything if experts in the media feed you sex, violence, drugs and “distraction”. They know what sells. They know what the major segment of the population wants.
How can you “focus” on the real issues of War, the Descending of American power in the world, a successful economy, why “they” hate us, etc.
We just don’t have time to think!
Is this the real question?
Politicians are crooked….. Big corporations run the politics….. The USA is failing.
Can we find a few honest men to act as auditors, as “understandable” spokesmen?
Are we being flooded and duped by the discussions of Immigration, Katrina, the Iraq war, the next election, the Duke problem, 6,000 additional National Guards as a “surge” , etc.?
Is this mere misdirection?
The media experts know what keeps our interest….. game shows, police shows, political shows, etc. They know what’s a “Distraction”! That’s their business!
As long as “they” keep us “distracted”, we won’t have time to think!
Who’s the “us”? ….. Why it’s the masses, the general public!
The masses are being controlled by “distraction”! They can’t act! They can’t do anything that’s organized! They can’t even demonstrate because they can’t think.
Who are the “people”, the “masses”, the “mob”?
a) The “mob” that simply don’t care?
b) The “mob” that are looking to someone else to follow?
c) The “mob” that is either totally uninformed or don’t care?
d) The people who are educated but divided and just want to express their opinions more than anything else!
e) The people who are the “thinkers” that don’t know what to do?
People are confused by the enormity of information and facts of the media….They just want to “drop out”. The Iraq war, the radical Moslem influence, the Welfare system, the economy, the health care system, immigration competition, abortion, the supreme court and discrimination, etc
“Distraction” stops action!
Even religion can be distracted from action. Lack of education, anything difficult can be “distraction”.
The masses that use force can be distracted. “Distraction” can deter anything!
People become willing to give up their power. Even generations can give up their power if they are maneuvered through “Distraction”.
How can you focus clearly on anything if experts in the media feed you sex, violence, drugs and “distraction”.
How can you “focus” on the real issues of War, the Descending of American power in the world, a successful economy, why “they” hate us, etc
We just don’t have time to think!
Definitions - #301 – #33 - All you want is “distraction”!
Anything will do as a “distraction”……religious discussion, political discussion, current events, ball scores, family matters… anything! If you want to be “distracted” anything will do!
If you don’t want to get “too serious”, if you want to slide through without much thought; “distraction” is for you. You can always pursue the less important issues of the day. After all, isn’t there a scarcity of mutual “facts”? Why should you even try to understand anything? Isn’t a hair appointment just as important as a world political crisis? Why even try?
If you are depressed or unhappy, why not fill the void with “distraction”? You have no one to please but yourself!
Suppose this doesn’t work out? …… What is a “successful alternative”?
You can try! Try to find your own answer. Try to find a “mutual definition”. At least try to find out what your friends think. Test your understanding. Find out “where” you differ and then find out “why”.
Many people use “distraction” as a cure for “thinking and reasoning”!
Certainly your own family affairs deserve immediate attention; but when you are not intimately involved with these types of issues, what do you think about? Do you have half baked opinions that you readily impose on your friends? Don’t they deserve better? Suppose you start off with… “This is my current opinion based on….”; instead of just “launching in” with your opinion. Don’t your true friends deserve better?
Many people freely express their opinions which are not based on any research or information but just reflect the “talk shows or the Commissions”. Anyone can do this! You are, in essence, just repeating what you’ve heard. This is not “new news”! At best, this can be “argumentative” if not, downright overwhelming. There is no new discovery in this type of rhetoric! You leave no room for a diverse opinion. This is “argumentative”!
Do you wonder why no one seems to want to discuss anything with you? Who wants “more arguments”?
Does “distraction” lead to this reaction?
Does mere “distraction” lead to this type of reaction?
If you don’t want to get “too serious”, if you want to slide through without much thought; “distraction” is for you. You can always pursue the less important issues of the day. After all, isn’t there a scarcity of mutual “facts”? Why should you even try to understand anything? Isn’t a hair appointment just as important as a world political crisis? Why even try?
If you are depressed or unhappy, why not fill the void with “distraction”? You have no one to please but yourself!
Suppose this doesn’t work out? …… What is a “successful alternative”?
You can try! Try to find your own answer. Try to find a “mutual definition”. At least try to find out what your friends think. Test your understanding. Find out “where” you differ and then find out “why”.
Many people use “distraction” as a cure for “thinking and reasoning”!
Certainly your own family affairs deserve immediate attention; but when you are not intimately involved with these types of issues, what do you think about? Do you have half baked opinions that you readily impose on your friends? Don’t they deserve better? Suppose you start off with… “This is my current opinion based on….”; instead of just “launching in” with your opinion. Don’t your true friends deserve better?
Many people freely express their opinions which are not based on any research or information but just reflect the “talk shows or the Commissions”. Anyone can do this! You are, in essence, just repeating what you’ve heard. This is not “new news”! At best, this can be “argumentative” if not, downright overwhelming. There is no new discovery in this type of rhetoric! You leave no room for a diverse opinion. This is “argumentative”!
Do you wonder why no one seems to want to discuss anything with you? Who wants “more arguments”?
Does “distraction” lead to this reaction?
Does mere “distraction” lead to this type of reaction?
Definitions - #301 – #32- A Line in the Sand
Everyone draws a “Line in the Sand”!
So we roughly have two types of people. Those that possess “A Line in the Sand” and those that pursue an endless chase for provable, repeatable conclusions, knowing full well that new knowledge may upset their present day “conclusions”.
Whether you answer a question with “My belief is”…. “I just think this is” …. “There is no explanation for that….” Whatever your vague expression is, it is your own, personal “Line in the Sand”. It is the way you answer the “infinite idea”. It can be religious or just plain defensive. The “infinite idea” of Death, the “Beginning”, the “Creation”, the “Start or End of something”, “the Way things are”, etc. It is an idea that’s not quite clear in your own mind but you want to express an answer!
This is the answer that is your “Line in the Sand”!
Science is the constant state of “searching”. There is no end. The answer is the present state of provable knowledge. There is no need for a “conclusion”. Science is too smart for that! It has seen too many changes as research continues. There is “NO Line in the Sand”!
How can you have a useful conversation if someone has drawn “A Line in the Sand” as an answer. It’s easy! Don’t try to prove anything. Merely accept the opinions you receive. You don’t have to agree or disagree. You may question for more information, but you never have to agree or disagree. You only have to recognize that you are conversing with someone who either doesn’t want to search for an answer or someone who is satisfied with his personal “Line in the Sand” as an answer.
It is the “agreeing/disagreeing” part that causes the problem!!!
(You can always agree/disagree “for the moment” providing you understand “this is just for the moment”!)
So we roughly have two types of people. Those that possess “A Line in the Sand” and those that pursue an endless chase for provable, repeatable conclusions, knowing full well that new knowledge may upset their present day “conclusions”.
Whether you answer a question with “My belief is”…. “I just think this is” …. “There is no explanation for that….” Whatever your vague expression is, it is your own, personal “Line in the Sand”. It is the way you answer the “infinite idea”. It can be religious or just plain defensive. The “infinite idea” of Death, the “Beginning”, the “Creation”, the “Start or End of something”, “the Way things are”, etc. It is an idea that’s not quite clear in your own mind but you want to express an answer!
This is the answer that is your “Line in the Sand”!
Science is the constant state of “searching”. There is no end. The answer is the present state of provable knowledge. There is no need for a “conclusion”. Science is too smart for that! It has seen too many changes as research continues. There is “NO Line in the Sand”!
How can you have a useful conversation if someone has drawn “A Line in the Sand” as an answer. It’s easy! Don’t try to prove anything. Merely accept the opinions you receive. You don’t have to agree or disagree. You may question for more information, but you never have to agree or disagree. You only have to recognize that you are conversing with someone who either doesn’t want to search for an answer or someone who is satisfied with his personal “Line in the Sand” as an answer.
It is the “agreeing/disagreeing” part that causes the problem!!!
(You can always agree/disagree “for the moment” providing you understand “this is just for the moment”!)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Definitions - #301 - #31 - “Language” versus “Beliefs” versus “Ideology”
How to separate “Language” from “Beliefs” or just “Ideology”? “Connective ness” is, after all, “just a thought”! .... So is WWIV!!!
A “Belief” is just what a person wants the “fact” to be, based on anything the person wants to “hang his hat on” . (“hang his hat on” as to a fact)
An “Ideology” is an action based on a set of personal “beliefs”. (Still no agreement on “facts”!)
Obviously what’s missing is the research and agreement on “What’s a fact?”
The language used during these exchanges is for “communication”. It can be “loaded” communication, “informative” communication, “unreasonable” communication or just plain “ignitable” communication. Language can have a lot or a little to do with the content of the debate.
“Beliefs” can trump “the facts”! “Facts” can become secondary in some debates!
So we went to War in Iraq. The intelligent services of the world thought there were WMD’s. That’s a “fact”. If you believed the world, did you “lie” to deceive anybody when you went to War? Could it be “just a mistake”? ...... Is this just “language?”.... to “lie” versus “a mistake”? ...... Could this also lead to a “belief” or an “ideology”? ..... So, the use of “language” can mix things up!
How to separate “opinions” from “analysis” or just “language”?
Where does “analysis” fit in? Is the language of “analysis” just that.... language? Is “connective ness” just language? Does future speculation remain just language? Is “future speculation” just “thoughts or beliefs”? Analysis can be a “good guess” to the future or it can be a way “to make a living”. After all, who is responsible if you are dead wrong ....... or simply, just dead! Who takes the responsibility if you “miss-guess”?
Are you best to make a new “language” in your analysis so you can debate “the new language”? Can you be “clearer”, more easily “understandable” so more people can engage in the “facts” and measure your so-called “conclusions”? Do you, indeed, have to just preach to the elite who attempt to use your new language in their debates? Is this new “analysis” really nothing more than “new language”?
Is “analysis” useful?...... Of course, you have to plan ahead! But be careful of the so-called “analysis”!
The author just recently became more aware of the number of minds involved in the “future guessing”, the so-called “planning”, the actual execution and the responsibility involved in these National issues. “What’s a fact?” ....... Who do you believe and who do you rely on? ..... It is truly “mind numbing”!
You can also “lose” your intellectual audience when it tires of the new language and the abbreviations. There are many others in this field of “futuristic speculation” (guesses!) They also want to become the “gurus”! To be “understandable”, to be “simple” is the key to longevity.
A “Belief” is just what a person wants the “fact” to be, based on anything the person wants to “hang his hat on” . (“hang his hat on” as to a fact)
An “Ideology” is an action based on a set of personal “beliefs”. (Still no agreement on “facts”!)
Obviously what’s missing is the research and agreement on “What’s a fact?”
The language used during these exchanges is for “communication”. It can be “loaded” communication, “informative” communication, “unreasonable” communication or just plain “ignitable” communication. Language can have a lot or a little to do with the content of the debate.
“Beliefs” can trump “the facts”! “Facts” can become secondary in some debates!
So we went to War in Iraq. The intelligent services of the world thought there were WMD’s. That’s a “fact”. If you believed the world, did you “lie” to deceive anybody when you went to War? Could it be “just a mistake”? ...... Is this just “language?”.... to “lie” versus “a mistake”? ...... Could this also lead to a “belief” or an “ideology”? ..... So, the use of “language” can mix things up!
How to separate “opinions” from “analysis” or just “language”?
Where does “analysis” fit in? Is the language of “analysis” just that.... language? Is “connective ness” just language? Does future speculation remain just language? Is “future speculation” just “thoughts or beliefs”? Analysis can be a “good guess” to the future or it can be a way “to make a living”. After all, who is responsible if you are dead wrong ....... or simply, just dead! Who takes the responsibility if you “miss-guess”?
Are you best to make a new “language” in your analysis so you can debate “the new language”? Can you be “clearer”, more easily “understandable” so more people can engage in the “facts” and measure your so-called “conclusions”? Do you, indeed, have to just preach to the elite who attempt to use your new language in their debates? Is this new “analysis” really nothing more than “new language”?
Is “analysis” useful?...... Of course, you have to plan ahead! But be careful of the so-called “analysis”!
The author just recently became more aware of the number of minds involved in the “future guessing”, the so-called “planning”, the actual execution and the responsibility involved in these National issues. “What’s a fact?” ....... Who do you believe and who do you rely on? ..... It is truly “mind numbing”!
You can also “lose” your intellectual audience when it tires of the new language and the abbreviations. There are many others in this field of “futuristic speculation” (guesses!) They also want to become the “gurus”! To be “understandable”, to be “simple” is the key to longevity.
Definitions - #301-#30 -You know what you “want”, but do you know the “price” you’ll “have” to pay?
So you want a new house.
So you want a family.
So you want a different job.
Remember there’s a big difference between “wanting” and “wishing”. If you just wish for something, it doesn’t mean you take any “action” to get it, But if you “want” something , you’re going to take some action to get it.
You know what you “want”, but do you know the “price” you’ll have to pay?
Here’s the rub! No one bothers to think about the “price”!
What will you have to change? What will you have to sacrifice?
Perhaps you won’t have the same time to play or go to the gym....... or go on trips, for a while.
Perhaps you’ll have to worry more about payments or a job ........not so free and easy as before..
Perhaps you don’t know how to get ahead in your job; or if getting ahead is even possible.
There are many “prices” to pay. If all the “prices” are ok with you, there’s no problem! But you must think about the possibilities! Share your thoughts while there is still time ... before a commitment. Don’t be committed and then face the inevitable “price”!
The main thing is to “think first”. Then you can act with a reasonable degree of success.
This goes for “everything” in your life!
( No, it’s not 100%, but it’s better than nothing!)
So you want a family.
So you want a different job.
Remember there’s a big difference between “wanting” and “wishing”. If you just wish for something, it doesn’t mean you take any “action” to get it, But if you “want” something , you’re going to take some action to get it.
You know what you “want”, but do you know the “price” you’ll have to pay?
Here’s the rub! No one bothers to think about the “price”!
What will you have to change? What will you have to sacrifice?
Perhaps you won’t have the same time to play or go to the gym....... or go on trips, for a while.
Perhaps you’ll have to worry more about payments or a job ........not so free and easy as before..
Perhaps you don’t know how to get ahead in your job; or if getting ahead is even possible.
There are many “prices” to pay. If all the “prices” are ok with you, there’s no problem! But you must think about the possibilities! Share your thoughts while there is still time ... before a commitment. Don’t be committed and then face the inevitable “price”!
The main thing is to “think first”. Then you can act with a reasonable degree of success.
This goes for “everything” in your life!
( No, it’s not 100%, but it’s better than nothing!)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Definition - #301 - #28 - From Language to Loss of Liberty
(A Copy by Linda Schrock Taylor
In his book, Wisdom Made in America, Criswell Freeman introduces his section on Education:
Where does real education begin? It begins with a burning desire for knowledge. If you want to teach, then first kindle the will to learn. And if you want to learn, find something that profoundly interests you. When you do, the education will take care of itself.
This assessment contains many key elements, but if we are to successfully teach skills and basic knowledge, then proceed to actually educate anyone, we must first lay a foundation by nurturing the growth and development of language. Children, as well as illiterate and low-verbal adults, must skillfully use the mother tongue or its substitute in order to make educational progress. Without facility with language, the brain is limited in what kind and how much information it can store to later pull into use for the thinking process.
Persons bereft of language skills will be left behind despite any presidential mandates or edicts. To think otherwise is to blow smoke rings – short-term achievements of little substance, anchored to nothing, circling a void, lacking sustainability.
Without a foundational language base – the desire for knowledge; the will to learn; the following of profound interests; and the hope that education will take care of itself, will simply not be realized. Without skilled use of the mother tongue, individuals will be severely and permanently diminished in their ability: to communicate; to think; to learn; to become whole persons.
Many think that my primary focus in the education of children is math. It is not. Others see me primarily as a teacher of reading. I am not. True, I do teach those and other subjects, and I teach them well, but the key to my success in educating children is the fact that I am first, and foremost, a teacher of language. I am first a language teacher because I was first a teacher of the deaf.
From a very young age, I watched my mother spend hours, usually every evening after supper, teaching language to my brother, Reed. I saw firsthand how the lack of hearing, but more so the lack of language, prevented Reed, a very intelligent person, from learning easily and gaining a full education. I saw the vital importance of the most basic of human needs and that – the development of language – is and has always been the primary focus of my teaching career.
These early observations were repeatedly confirmed during many years of teaching the deaf. I taught language all day, every day, using every subject, every experience, every picture as fodder. It was not enough!
The children and I had been set up to fail when the child, in the mother's arms, could not listen and so learn the mother tongue. It is impossible to hand teach words as rapidly as hearing children, in language-rich environments, naturally soak up words, ideas, phrases, concepts.
Deafness is a terrible, devastating disability, usually unpreventable. The miseducation of a hearing person, however, creates unconscionable handicaps. Such crippling is preventable, but purposeful.
I began my writing career by crafting pieces that I hoped would encourage parents to discover ways to encourage better language development in the home; teachers to create ways to better teach language skills in the classroom. My goal then, as now, was to turn the tide of illiteracy in hopes of stemming the tide of inadequacy.
I wrote Buy Your Calendars Big to provide ideas for teaching language that will orient children in space and time.
I wrote Conversations Held and Stories Read to explain the importance of using stories from family history to teach children language while at the same time helping them develop a sense of belonging; an understanding of their place within the continuity of the generations.
I wrote of The "Who What Where When Why" Award to share its relevance to the need for children to have a language of curiosity.
Three short pieces on the need for, and the power of, skilled use of one's mother tongue. Three ideas taken from my own teaching that I hoped would serve as catalysts to stimulate teachers and parents to better meet the language needs of their students and children.
I believe that teachers can develop better lesson plans, using their own creative ideas, than any written by textbook curriculum writers; better than ones that misguided and unconstitutional federal legislation may demand; better than any written by committees involved with time-wasting, agenda-hiding, standards and benchmarks.
I can be confident about the failure of such groups to anticipate the needs of children, because I, myself, never know from one day to the next what any of my lessons will actually cover. It is impossible to write appropriate lesson plans because most language deficiencies are unseen handicaps until exposed when a child's eyes and reactions express confusion, incomprehension. At that point, skilled teachers change the direction of the lesson to meet the immediate needs of children, risking the censure of administrators for deviating from the mandated lesson plans on file in the office.
For example…recently I planned a spelling lesson on words with closed syllables (If a syllable ends with a consonant it is considered closed, so the vowel says its first, or short, sound.): happy, rapid, comment, traffic… My students, now fairly adept at decoding, were reading the list with fairly good accuracy – until they came to the word rapid. Suddenly my ear detected a /t/ where a /d/ sound should have been.
I immediately stopped that lesson and shifted my thinking from teaching spelling to teaching language. "What does the word rapid mean?" Every child responded, "You wrap a present." I stressed the pronunciation, "No, I didn't say wrap it, I said rapid." They neither heard a phonetic difference, nor knew the word I wanted them to define. Further questioning exposed similar problems with other words on the list. We could not continue until those deficiencies were remediated.
It is foolish in the extreme to believe that any person sitting anywhere but in my classroom, standing anywhere but in my shoes, could have any idea of the language gaps that prevent my students from being taught. The most skilled curriculum writer could not anticipate and write the lesson plan I needed that day. I did not need No Child Left Behind or any other federal or state legislation. I did not need unrelated professional development workshops that waste time and discourage teachers.
What I did need was what I had developed through experience – the ability to do diagnostic teaching. I needed a trained ear for detecting subtle speech errors. I needed intuition and experience to aid me in analyzing the breakdown in language skills. I needed to rapidly pinpoint the problem then rapidly create a mental lesson plan for meeting the needs of the moment. (Teacher education programs could teach such skills instead of sending teachers into the schools with toolkits devoid of tools!)
NCLB; UNESCO agreements to teach for globalization; state dictated/federally manipulated standards and benchmarks; excessive, needless paperwork – none of these can meet the language and educational needs of students. In fact, all of these harm, if not totally prevent, any chance of a once-free people being appropriate educated to live, protecting their freedoms and liberty, in this Republic. The flaws in the system are so obvious, so damaging, that one can come to no conclusion except – they are so purposeful.
So, where does real education begin? It begins in the home with parents providing language experiences for their children. The once natural process breaks down when the parents, miseducated in the same public school system, are language deficient, themselves. Such parents fail to teach language; fail to correct word usage errors; fail to encourage clear, precise, grammatical speech.
Children from these homes begin school as incomplete beings – lacking both the receptive, and the expressive language skills necessary for interacting with and gaining from an educational setting. How can anyone "kindle the will to learn" in students who neither speak nor comprehend what once was considered standard English for this nation? How can a culture heal itself when weaknesses in using the mother tongue, thanks to decades of public schooling, now exist in more than one generation?
Shall we send NCLB workers into every language deficient home and call it Homestart when we already know that children coming from Headstart programs still lack language skills and are unprepared for school? Shall we shift wasted tax dollars from the preschool program to a more intrusive, more expensive, and surely ineffective home program? I think not!
We face, in our culture, a problem of immeasurable breadth and depth. I do not know how to solve a problem of such magnitude. I can only encourage those with ears to hear, and the common sense to act, to make your homes and classrooms as language-rich as possible.
I can only weep for the millions of lost children and adults; worthy human beings who will live compromised lives, raising compromised children, in a compromised America – all victims of the intended consequences of purposeful global planning.
In his book, Wisdom Made in America, Criswell Freeman introduces his section on Education:
Where does real education begin? It begins with a burning desire for knowledge. If you want to teach, then first kindle the will to learn. And if you want to learn, find something that profoundly interests you. When you do, the education will take care of itself.
This assessment contains many key elements, but if we are to successfully teach skills and basic knowledge, then proceed to actually educate anyone, we must first lay a foundation by nurturing the growth and development of language. Children, as well as illiterate and low-verbal adults, must skillfully use the mother tongue or its substitute in order to make educational progress. Without facility with language, the brain is limited in what kind and how much information it can store to later pull into use for the thinking process.
Persons bereft of language skills will be left behind despite any presidential mandates or edicts. To think otherwise is to blow smoke rings – short-term achievements of little substance, anchored to nothing, circling a void, lacking sustainability.
Without a foundational language base – the desire for knowledge; the will to learn; the following of profound interests; and the hope that education will take care of itself, will simply not be realized. Without skilled use of the mother tongue, individuals will be severely and permanently diminished in their ability: to communicate; to think; to learn; to become whole persons.
Many think that my primary focus in the education of children is math. It is not. Others see me primarily as a teacher of reading. I am not. True, I do teach those and other subjects, and I teach them well, but the key to my success in educating children is the fact that I am first, and foremost, a teacher of language. I am first a language teacher because I was first a teacher of the deaf.
From a very young age, I watched my mother spend hours, usually every evening after supper, teaching language to my brother, Reed. I saw firsthand how the lack of hearing, but more so the lack of language, prevented Reed, a very intelligent person, from learning easily and gaining a full education. I saw the vital importance of the most basic of human needs and that – the development of language – is and has always been the primary focus of my teaching career.
These early observations were repeatedly confirmed during many years of teaching the deaf. I taught language all day, every day, using every subject, every experience, every picture as fodder. It was not enough!
The children and I had been set up to fail when the child, in the mother's arms, could not listen and so learn the mother tongue. It is impossible to hand teach words as rapidly as hearing children, in language-rich environments, naturally soak up words, ideas, phrases, concepts.
Deafness is a terrible, devastating disability, usually unpreventable. The miseducation of a hearing person, however, creates unconscionable handicaps. Such crippling is preventable, but purposeful.
I began my writing career by crafting pieces that I hoped would encourage parents to discover ways to encourage better language development in the home; teachers to create ways to better teach language skills in the classroom. My goal then, as now, was to turn the tide of illiteracy in hopes of stemming the tide of inadequacy.
I wrote Buy Your Calendars Big to provide ideas for teaching language that will orient children in space and time.
I wrote Conversations Held and Stories Read to explain the importance of using stories from family history to teach children language while at the same time helping them develop a sense of belonging; an understanding of their place within the continuity of the generations.
I wrote of The "Who What Where When Why" Award to share its relevance to the need for children to have a language of curiosity.
Three short pieces on the need for, and the power of, skilled use of one's mother tongue. Three ideas taken from my own teaching that I hoped would serve as catalysts to stimulate teachers and parents to better meet the language needs of their students and children.
I believe that teachers can develop better lesson plans, using their own creative ideas, than any written by textbook curriculum writers; better than ones that misguided and unconstitutional federal legislation may demand; better than any written by committees involved with time-wasting, agenda-hiding, standards and benchmarks.
I can be confident about the failure of such groups to anticipate the needs of children, because I, myself, never know from one day to the next what any of my lessons will actually cover. It is impossible to write appropriate lesson plans because most language deficiencies are unseen handicaps until exposed when a child's eyes and reactions express confusion, incomprehension. At that point, skilled teachers change the direction of the lesson to meet the immediate needs of children, risking the censure of administrators for deviating from the mandated lesson plans on file in the office.
For example…recently I planned a spelling lesson on words with closed syllables (If a syllable ends with a consonant it is considered closed, so the vowel says its first, or short, sound.): happy, rapid, comment, traffic… My students, now fairly adept at decoding, were reading the list with fairly good accuracy – until they came to the word rapid. Suddenly my ear detected a /t/ where a /d/ sound should have been.
I immediately stopped that lesson and shifted my thinking from teaching spelling to teaching language. "What does the word rapid mean?" Every child responded, "You wrap a present." I stressed the pronunciation, "No, I didn't say wrap it, I said rapid." They neither heard a phonetic difference, nor knew the word I wanted them to define. Further questioning exposed similar problems with other words on the list. We could not continue until those deficiencies were remediated.
It is foolish in the extreme to believe that any person sitting anywhere but in my classroom, standing anywhere but in my shoes, could have any idea of the language gaps that prevent my students from being taught. The most skilled curriculum writer could not anticipate and write the lesson plan I needed that day. I did not need No Child Left Behind or any other federal or state legislation. I did not need unrelated professional development workshops that waste time and discourage teachers.
What I did need was what I had developed through experience – the ability to do diagnostic teaching. I needed a trained ear for detecting subtle speech errors. I needed intuition and experience to aid me in analyzing the breakdown in language skills. I needed to rapidly pinpoint the problem then rapidly create a mental lesson plan for meeting the needs of the moment. (Teacher education programs could teach such skills instead of sending teachers into the schools with toolkits devoid of tools!)
NCLB; UNESCO agreements to teach for globalization; state dictated/federally manipulated standards and benchmarks; excessive, needless paperwork – none of these can meet the language and educational needs of students. In fact, all of these harm, if not totally prevent, any chance of a once-free people being appropriate educated to live, protecting their freedoms and liberty, in this Republic. The flaws in the system are so obvious, so damaging, that one can come to no conclusion except – they are so purposeful.
So, where does real education begin? It begins in the home with parents providing language experiences for their children. The once natural process breaks down when the parents, miseducated in the same public school system, are language deficient, themselves. Such parents fail to teach language; fail to correct word usage errors; fail to encourage clear, precise, grammatical speech.
Children from these homes begin school as incomplete beings – lacking both the receptive, and the expressive language skills necessary for interacting with and gaining from an educational setting. How can anyone "kindle the will to learn" in students who neither speak nor comprehend what once was considered standard English for this nation? How can a culture heal itself when weaknesses in using the mother tongue, thanks to decades of public schooling, now exist in more than one generation?
Shall we send NCLB workers into every language deficient home and call it Homestart when we already know that children coming from Headstart programs still lack language skills and are unprepared for school? Shall we shift wasted tax dollars from the preschool program to a more intrusive, more expensive, and surely ineffective home program? I think not!
We face, in our culture, a problem of immeasurable breadth and depth. I do not know how to solve a problem of such magnitude. I can only encourage those with ears to hear, and the common sense to act, to make your homes and classrooms as language-rich as possible.
I can only weep for the millions of lost children and adults; worthy human beings who will live compromised lives, raising compromised children, in a compromised America – all victims of the intended consequences of purposeful global planning.
Definition - #301 - #29 - Can I satisfy you?
What is “satisfaction”?
Whose “satisfaction”?....... A native can have a monkey for supper and be “satisfied”. A welfare person may receive the check and be “satisfied”. A millionaire may make another million dollar deal and be “satisfied”. Again, “Whose satisfaction”?
Is satisfaction “momentary” or “long time”?....... Is being “satisfied” with a good meal the same as finding a long term relationship? Is it the same as “world peace”?
Before I can “satisfy” you, I must first find out “what” satisfies” you. Only then can I (hopefully) “satisfy” you. It’s important to ask the question!!!
How can I present “Democracy” to people who are uncertain as to what it is; or, simply “Do NOT want it!”. How can I present anything to anybody before I question them about what they want and what we can try to offer? To whom do I speak?....... The rulers, the secret police, the politicians, or the general public? Who can speak for a nation?
Don’t you think that a discussion of what “they” want and what “we offer”; should be had before we “negotiate? At least we’ll know more about each other! The time period , the subject, the choice of the parties to speak to, all should be acknowledged BEFORE we begin to “negotiate”.
BEWARE! This word “satisfy” has many different meanings to many different people.
If you are “unaware”, how can you “satisfy” anyone?
#301 - #29 - Can I satisfy you?
What is “satisfaction”?
Whose “satisfaction”?....... A native can have a monkey for supper and be “satisfied”. A welfare person may receive the check and be “satisfied”. A millionaire may make another million dollar deal and be “satisfied”. Again, “Whose satisfaction”?
Is satisfaction “momentary” or “long time”?....... Is being “satisfied” with a good meal the same as finding a long term relationship? Is it the same as “world peace”?
Before I can “satisfy” you, I must first find out “what” satisfies” you. Only then can I (hopefully) “satisfy” you. It’s important to ask the question!!!
How can I present “Democracy” to people who are uncertain as to what it is; or, simply “Do NOT want it!”. How can I present anything to anybody before I question them about what they want and what we can try to offer? To whom do I speak?....... The rulers, the secret police, the politicians, or the general public? Who can speak for a nation?
Don’t you think that a discussion of what “they” want and what “we offer”; should be had before we “negotiate? At least we’ll know more about each other! The time period , the subject, the choice of the parties to speak to, all should be acknowledged BEFORE we begin to “negotiate”.
BEWARE! This word “satisfy” has many different meanings to many different people.
If you are “unaware”, how can you “satisfy” anyone?
Whose “satisfaction”?....... A native can have a monkey for supper and be “satisfied”. A welfare person may receive the check and be “satisfied”. A millionaire may make another million dollar deal and be “satisfied”. Again, “Whose satisfaction”?
Is satisfaction “momentary” or “long time”?....... Is being “satisfied” with a good meal the same as finding a long term relationship? Is it the same as “world peace”?
Before I can “satisfy” you, I must first find out “what” satisfies” you. Only then can I (hopefully) “satisfy” you. It’s important to ask the question!!!
How can I present “Democracy” to people who are uncertain as to what it is; or, simply “Do NOT want it!”. How can I present anything to anybody before I question them about what they want and what we can try to offer? To whom do I speak?....... The rulers, the secret police, the politicians, or the general public? Who can speak for a nation?
Don’t you think that a discussion of what “they” want and what “we offer”; should be had before we “negotiate? At least we’ll know more about each other! The time period , the subject, the choice of the parties to speak to, all should be acknowledged BEFORE we begin to “negotiate”.
BEWARE! This word “satisfy” has many different meanings to many different people.
If you are “unaware”, how can you “satisfy” anyone?
#301 - #29 - Can I satisfy you?
What is “satisfaction”?
Whose “satisfaction”?....... A native can have a monkey for supper and be “satisfied”. A welfare person may receive the check and be “satisfied”. A millionaire may make another million dollar deal and be “satisfied”. Again, “Whose satisfaction”?
Is satisfaction “momentary” or “long time”?....... Is being “satisfied” with a good meal the same as finding a long term relationship? Is it the same as “world peace”?
Before I can “satisfy” you, I must first find out “what” satisfies” you. Only then can I (hopefully) “satisfy” you. It’s important to ask the question!!!
How can I present “Democracy” to people who are uncertain as to what it is; or, simply “Do NOT want it!”. How can I present anything to anybody before I question them about what they want and what we can try to offer? To whom do I speak?....... The rulers, the secret police, the politicians, or the general public? Who can speak for a nation?
Don’t you think that a discussion of what “they” want and what “we offer”; should be had before we “negotiate? At least we’ll know more about each other! The time period , the subject, the choice of the parties to speak to, all should be acknowledged BEFORE we begin to “negotiate”.
BEWARE! This word “satisfy” has many different meanings to many different people.
If you are “unaware”, how can you “satisfy” anyone?
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