Sunday, January 18, 2009

#04 – Personal - Inauguaration versus “Ignore-your-Nation”

Which did you vote for?

Were you “taken in” by the election rhetoric?

Did you vote for what you believed would happen or did you think the Bush doctrine was so terrible that the country would not survive?

Do you believe that Obama’s “team” would listen to the best advice that Bush had gotten?

What, exactly, is the bush doctrine? Can you tell, now, how it differs from the Obama doctrine?

Will the wars end tomorrow or in 6 months or in 6 years? Who, but the commanders on the ground know?

Do you believe the Obama’s promises “to end the war and bring home the troops within 6 months of the inauguration”?

Do you still believe that all poverty be taken care of by the “rich” people?.... Despite the facts that there is not enough money in the world to devise a policy to do this, much less from just the “rich”…..

Did you just become aware of the awful condition of the “economy”? … The fact that with these continuing deficits and bail outs carry an interest rate that even your grandchildren will have to pay… That there is no money cure for unemployment? … That this “mythical team” lacks the brains to handle the current conditions, much less, the future conditions this country will face.

Is this an “Inauguration or a “Ignoryournation”?

Do you think that listening to the loud voices of the bitter people would lead us to more logical policies?

Do you, now, think that electoral rhetoric” was the answer?.... Did your really think the words were the solutions…or did you think at all? …. Did you wave your arms and voices of “adoration” for another celebrity….or did you think at all? …
Will the past environment, the past associations, form the way the government will draw its policies?

Does America want "change"?

Is this an “Inauguration or a “Ignoryournation”?

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