Monday, February 2, 2009

#08 - Is a man with a law degree, common sense, for gab” make a “Good LEADER”?

Is a man a “Good Leader” unless he posses a rare gift of a philosophy of sorts?

If he believes everyone in the world should have the same opportunities, the same standards of living that every one else has, shouldn’t you know? Suppose there are differences? Wouldn’t it be wise to find those differences out before he was elected “Leader”?

Who were his friends? Where did he get his philosophy? What does he truly believe?

Were you overcome by his “gift of gab”?

Do you now believe any president or his administration would make any National policy without many meetings and points of view? (as with the Bush administration)

Is an indictment of the “Administration” any different than “My Team”?
“My team” will create a 200 million man employment scheme?... or an end to the present financial demise? (etc.,etc.)

Have we elected a man who is changing his mind? (and for once, gaining a philosophy?)

Do we have the time now to wait?

Is a man’s common sense enough?
Is a man’s “gift of gab” enough?
Without a philosophy that we understand, have we elected someone to “Lead”?

What have we done?

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