Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Personal - #31 - #501 - #85 - What kind of a person am “I”?

(Why use “us” or “we”?)

First of all, there’s no “we” in the question.
Secondly “we” are all a collection of “individuals”.

As “individuals”, we hear things and see things differently from other “individuals”!
There is no “speaking in general”… only “at” other individuals”.

As “individuals”, we come from different environments. We are educated in different ways.
Therefore, “as individuals” we must realize the difference between to talk "at" an individual” and to talk to a group (as a “we”, the group!)

At” is a way to learn from others….. to hear and see from someone else’s point of view!
We” is a way to take someone else’s ideas feeling as our own.

For instance….take a T.V. program, where an author states what he, himself, thinks. Do I take this as an “At” or a “We”….. Do I accept his most recent interpretation as a thought that I intend to have or do I accept this as a thought I might consider in the future.

To often, we repeat what is said rather than explore the ideas for future reference.

Can all words mean the same? Is rhetoric the final answer?

To many, it seems, that the words have a final meaning and we act on these words, rather than “consider” these words before we take an action.

Does this mean that you go through life without a positive thought?..... NO! But, by the same token, do you go through life without changing your mind? .
Example: My granddaddy, his father before him and I are Democratic. I would never vote for a Republican!

This also goes through a Liberal’s thought …..
(Whatever a Liberal means to you as an “individual”? etc.,etc.)

How do you make your own opinion about anything?

“CONSIDER, Rationalize, listen to other points of view……..!”

Don’t get stuck for life in any thought. There may be a better one just around the corner. Make up your mind when you have too, with the best help around…but always leave a little room for a new thought to appear!

There is an evil around. …..Being too sure! …… Being too positive!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Personal - #29 - #501 - #83 - Has “CREDIT” become a nasty word?

When you use something without fully paying for it beforehand, you need “credit”.
Whether it’s a house or a T.V. or an auto, you often need “credit”.
Any keen entrepreneur knows that a national need can make someone a lot of money.

So-o-o, the entrepreneurs got into the “Credit” business. They already were in the lending of money (the Credit business) in many ways… mortgages, payrolls, and money for future needs such as inventory, Christmas gifts, etc.. except that Government was encouraging the new “ Credit business” with such things as guarantees, loan amounts, etc.

So-o-o, more people entered the “credit business”. Some were in it already but some entrepreneurs saw a grand new future in the new government’s position …. There people invented new instruments for Credit called bundling, credit swaps, etc. and a new business was formed! It was seemingly unregulated or partially unregulated, with a credit rating bureau that was funded by the same people that made money from the ratings, with lots of legal and illegal points of view, a “NO Docs” policy, etc.: The new Credit people became immoral, unregulated, and obscene in the making of money from this new “Credit Business”.

Now we find ourselves in a mess. Do we penalize the people who did the right thing in order to give the entrepreneurs a chance to succeed or what?

Do we spend the general taxpayer’s money so that the economy in general will thrive…or what?

We already paid the construction stiffs their wages in the present prices of the mortgages. So if we reward the builders by paying down the prices or the mortgages on this “overhang” what do the people who used judgment and played by the “former” rules get or are entitled to?

We allowed the mortgage market to zoom up….what now?
We allowed the new markets to form with their “no docs, and their “bundling” ….What now?
There is nothing strictly illegal, but we are all suffering!

And what do we do with the car companies? The Companies were blackmailed by sriking the companies into accepting trade rules and salaries that made them now uncompetitive. Whose fault is that?...management, the Government, the unions? Nothing illegal…just irrational!

Now we’re told, “My Team” will form the right policies. Without a guiding “philosophy”, all we’re going to hear is more political jabbering.

Have we made an intelligent choice?

Personal #28 - #501 - #82 - Is a man with a law degree, common sense and a good “gift for gab” make a good LEADER?

Is a man a “Good Leader” unless he posses a rare gift of a philosophy of sorts?

If he believes everyone in the world should have the same opportunities, the same standards of living that every one else has, shouldn’t you know? Suppose there are differences? Wouldn’t it be wise to find those differences out before he was elected “Leader”?
Who were his friends? Where did he get his philosophy? What does he truly believe?

Were you overcome by his “gift of gab”?
Do you now believe any president or his administration would make any National policy without many meetings and points of view?
Is an indictment of the “Administration” any different than “My Team” will create a 200 million man employment scheme?... or an end to the present financial demise? (etc.,etc.)

Have we elected a man who is changing his mind; and for once, gaining a philosophy?
Do we have the time now to wait?

Is a man’s common sense enough?
Is a man’s “gift of gab” enough?
Without a philosophy that we understand, have we elected someone to “Lead”?

What have we done?