Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Personal - #501 - #81 - A true “Bailout” will require the government to print more “money”.…

(Which leads to inflation for everybody!)…

(Will Wall Street win out or Main street?)

Recently, I just learned that the U.S. is NOT printing money. (which is inflationary) It is printing I.O.U.’s (bonds) that the government is selling to foreign nations and on which the U.S will have to pay the interest. (Indirectly, this does add to the National Debt”. This way the U.S. presses can run forever! There is no inflation or crash anticipated by the U.S. government as long as foreigners are willing to buy the U.S. paper. The only thing that stops the presses is when the foreign nations do not think the U.S. economy is strong enough to make the interest payments or the collateral value of the whole of the U.S. is insufficient. (How much is a ten year old, concrete, four lane highway worth? …etc. The whole idea of the value of U.S. collateral defies logic!)

(By the way; now the foreign nations are in more serious trouble than the U.S.!

By the bye, where has the money gone?

It has gone to save the financial institutions. They were unwilling to extend this loan as part of a package to lend to the consumers. They shored up their existing financial statements with the supposed “bailout” money. Does “mainstream” America gain? Do the homeowners benefit?

All we’ll get is more congressional hearings, more rhetoric, more and more talk!

But that’s what the majority voted for! So what if the policies change? Could the rhetoric give a clue to a change in policy? Do the former associations give a clue as to what was really on “his” mind? Not to a non-thinking majority! All this is now in the past. Will we have the wherewithal to survive?

So now, all you’re gonna’ get is “talk, discourse and rhetoric”!

The government doesn’t know what to do!…. Despite the committee hearings and their unique “special panel”

Monday, November 10, 2008

Personal - #501 - #80 - How to avoid economic recession - At SCHOOL

How to avoid an economic recession – at SCHOOL……Reasonable question?

“Go to school now, pay for it now!”..... or get a loan at an interest that you can afford now and later when things are not so rosy. Get terms that you like and can understand. You’re the one that’s going to pay!

You must understand the written contract before you sign it!
A “Student Loan Document” is a written document You and your collateral (i.e. your future income) is bound by the terms of this contract.

“Now and Later” are not idle terms. They mean in times of depression, recession, divorce, death, and all the negative things you can think about! “Get a loan with terms you can cope” in good times and bad times. The paper you signed, the Student Loan, will be all controlling! You will not be able to change it unless there is a separate clause in it which shall also “control” your actions. Understand, understand!!!!
“Go to school now…pay later!” We have been hoodwinked into a belief system. It’s a system which is unsustainable. It is a system that no one else in the world uses. It is a system that is both dangerous and unfair. How can you use something that isn’t yours?

It is time the word “CREDIT” is introduced. “Credit” is what someone with money gives someone without money to “USE something NOW!” (that you do not now own). In order to profit from this transaction, the party “with the money” charges interest and demands a collateral for the money to be leant. The terms and conditions are in writing. Remember “In good times and bad”! You have signed a Contract. This Contract will control your behavior. The collateral (i.e. your future income) may be disposed of if you do not act according to the terms of the Contract you just signed. (In which, by the way, you have also promised to abide by its terms and conditions.) This is the meaning of a signed CONRACT.

If, in the meantime, you haven’t the ability to “pay as you go”, so you use “credit” so you can “go to school” even though you can’t quite “pay for it now”. Someone, with money, will offer you “credit”. Be aware that this party offering “credit’ does so he can make a profit and be sure he has title to the asset (collateral) offered at a price he is willing to take. In any case the price will be established in the “Contract”. Understand, understand the terms!

“Go To School NOW and PAY LATER”.is what we have become accustomed too. The use of “credit cards”, “Mortgages’ and “CREDIT” of all kinds is the system we have become used to!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Personal - #501 - #79 - How to avoid economic recession – At HOME!

How to avoid economic recession – At HOME!...... Reasonable question?

“Use it now, pay for it now!”..... or get a loan at an interest that you can afford now and later when things are not so rosy. Get terms that you like and can understand. You’re the one that’s going to pay!

You must understand the written contract before you sign it!
A “Home Mortgage” is a written contract. You and your collateral (i.e. your home) is bound by the terms of this contract.

“Now and Later” are not idle terms. They mean in times of depression, recession, divorce, death, and all the negative things you can think about! “Get a loan with terms you can cope” in good times and bad times. The paper you signed, the Home Mortgage, will be all controlling! You will not be able to change it unless there is a separate clause in it which shall also “control” your actions. Understand, understand!!!!

“Use it now…pay later!” We have been hoodwinked into a belief system. It’s a system which is unsustainable. It is a system that no one else in the world uses. It is a system that is both dangerous and unfair. How can you use something that isn’t yours?

It is time the word “CREDIT” is introduced. “Credit” is what someone with money gives someone without money to “USE something NOW!” (that you do not now own). In order to profit from this transaction, the party “with the money” charges interest and demands a collateral for the money to be leant. The terms and conditions are in writing. Remember “In good times and bad”! You have signed a Contract. This Contract will control your behavior. The collateral (i.e. your home) may be disposed of if you do not act according to the terms of the Contract you just signed. (In which, by the way, you have also promised to abide by its terms and conditions.) This is the meaning of a signed CONRACT.

If, in the meantime, you haven’t the ability to “pay as you go”, you use “credit” so you can “use now” what you can’t quite “pay for now”. Someone, with money, will offer you “credit”. Be aware that this party offering “credit’ does so he can make a profit and be sure he has title to the asset (collateral) offered at a price he is willing to take. Note that the price he is willing to take is not what you offered! If he expects the collateral to go up in price he will offer more. If he expects the price to go down he will need a “cushion” for his investment. In any case the price will be established in the “Contract”.... Understand, understand the terms!

“USE IT NOW and PAY LATER”.is what we have become accustomed too. The use of “credit cards”, “Mortgages’ and “CREDIT” of all kinds is the system we have become used to!