Sunday, August 31, 2008

Defnition - #301 - #27 - The necessity of “Definition!”

“What’s the successful alternative to Definition?” .... Is there any?

Suppose you say.....
A “cleric” describes what a martyr should accept as an outcome reward ....(virgins, olive oil....)
A “martyr” accepts the “outcome” and just wants to know “How to get there?”
Does this attempt to define a difference between the two?

Suppose you want to “define” the difference between a Specialist, a Generalist and an Analyst.....
An “Analyst” can become a “Specialist” if he deals with one subject.
An “Analyst” could also become a “Generalist” if he looks at a variety of subjects.
Does this attempt to define a difference between the three?

Suppose you want to define the differences between an “Immigrant” and a legal “Citizen”.......
An “Immigrant” is a person who resides in country but is not subject to all its laws and regulations.
A legal “Citizen” is a person who may reside in the country but IS subject to all its laws and regulations.

Can an “Immigrant” maintain his traditions, customs, language and heritage while still in this country?
Can a legal “Citizen” do the same?
This can be a problem.
Is the purpose to “absorb”, “to melt”? This can be a problem!...... Is it “defined”?

What is the USA trying to do?.... What is the policy?.... Is it “defined”?....... Is it a “Commitment”?.... Who pays the “price” if the policy fails?

Does this describe “The necessity of “Definition!”

P.S. ..... (Possible answers.....)

“I’m simply not interested!”

“People don’t think about this!”

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Defnitions - #301 - #26 - Context” versus “Contacts”

Which is more important ....”Context” or “Contacts”?

Without “Context” we have nothing to pass on.
Without “Contacts” we have no one to pass “it” on!

“Context” will always change. People have a habit of making “context” simple and, regrettably, ... “forgettable! The message will be simplified and, in the process, may be changed slightly. It will be forgotten as the newness wears off. As criticism and alternative views appear, the force of any new idea weakens.

Also, as peer review occurs, “the people” will become aware of “other” similar views. “Peer” review is supposed to be a review by experts “in our world” from people who are supposedly experienced in the research and acknowledged by the elite of the world renowned experts. Who the hell are they? What can you do about that!!

Who is a “peer”? Who is “the people”? Do you have to be concerned about the answer?.....
Only if the views you present are meant to create change, or, if money is involved!
If social or political change is sought, the original “context or view” is terribly important. What can you do?

Now, what about “Contacts”?
“Contacts” are where you get your background information from.
“Contacts” are the people you are able to talk to, to communicate with, and yes, to blog with!
“Contacts” are the people who make it their business to communicate new ideas and new stories to “the people” in general.... the publishing community, the speaking agents, the media representatives, etc.

Do you write a book, do a blog, make a speech.... ?
Without “Contacts”, the right (powerful and successful) people are simply not there! These decisions cannot be made!

Who or what makes a “FACT”?
Does any book, peer, expert, etc. make a “FACT” so?
Who accumulates these so called “FACT”?.... Archivists? Book collectors (libraries)? The internet?

How can a “new idea or story” be permanent? ... Is this necessary? What if it isn’t “permanent”?

So is “Context” or “Content” more important?
Is it possible you have to have “both”? .... at the same time!!

“Not having any views is a sin!”

#501 - #71 - Your teeth will fall out

When you don’t brush your teeth, they “will” fall out!
You can believe this, can’t you?

If so....
Can really believe in “Can I control the world I live in, and How can I stop this world from falling apart?””

If you believe in “one world”, who’s to run it?..... Do you think everyone in the world will agree?
After all there is someone to vote for!

If you believe everyone should share our standard of living… Do we Americans have enough treasure?

If you believe there should be unlimited birth control, where will the “energy” come from?
Where will the food come from?
Where will the jobs come from?
Where will the “governance” come from?......Who will govern?

Is our idea of “one world” even conceivable?.... Is the world, as it exists, even “sustainable”?
What then? …… “Do our teeth just fall out?”

When you hear a hysterical cry at an idea or at a celebrity or at a certain word, what do you think? Do you just “go along” or do you stop and think “What’s the hysteria about?”… Who are the hysterical people? …. What are they hysterical about?

There is no use trying to have a decent conversation with a “believer”! To “believe” is to have a mental, unchangeable, idea whether it’s a political or a religious system, that is untested or that is concrete in someone’s mind. The whole purpose of a “decent conversation or debate” is to challenge a particular idea or system. If it’s already “concrete” in someone’s mind, what chance is there of having a “decent” conversation? It’s already a “waste of time”!

Suppose you are not troubled by death, what use is there to converse about the “after-life? People have been trying for ages to define these “imponderables”. (This includes the Religious ideas i.e. Jesus Christ is the measure of this world (tell it to the Moslems or the Buddhists!) There is no such language to address these ideas. That’s why they’re called “imponderables”. There are many people who are informed and who are simply uninterested in the “imponderables”.

Will you continue to treat your world as an “imponderable”?
Will you define it and act on it……. “before your teeth fall out!”